15 July 2024 Pre-event Culture Tours
18:00 - 20:00
Town Hall Bike Park, Town Hall Sq.
Walk: Street-Art
A two-hour 5km walking tour of
Street-Art from ‘Bring The Paint’ Festival across Leicester City Centre
Just turn up ! The route is mostly flat & traffic-free with a few road crossings
10 Stops:
1 Blue Tower
2 Cultural Quarter
3 Yeoman Street
4 Haymarket
5 Churchgate
6 High Street
7 Southgates
8 Magazine Square
9 York Street
10 Pelham Street
Town Hall Bike Park, Town Hall Sq.
Cycle: Glenfield Tunnel Cycle Ride
A two-hour 14km cycling tour to the 1832 Glenfield Tunnel (includes slight hills & a 30min tunnel tour on foot). All welcome, this is a public ride!
6 Stops:
1 Rally Park
2 Copeland Avenue
3 New Parks Boulevard
4 Stephenson Close
5 Five Ways Junction
6 Great Central Station
16 July 2024 Conference Programme
Please note that the conference programme is currently under development and subject to change. Please contact Juliana O'Rourke if you'd like to be part of the agenda.
The Food Village: Vijay Patel Building
Registration opens
Delegate networking with refreshments served in the exhibtion area
Vijay Patel Building 4.05
Welcome plenary
Chair and welcome: Cllr Sarah Russell, Deputy City Mayor, Leicester City Council
Danny Williams, CEO, Active Travel England
Chris Boardman, National Commissioner, Active Travel England
Mike Batheram, Market Director, Local Transport, AtkinsRéalis
Councillor Elaine Pantling, Assistant City Mayor, Leicester City Council
Followed by panel and audience Q and A with interactive polling
The Food Village: Vijay Patel Building
Networking break
Refreshments served in the exhibition area
Queens Building
Room 1.10
Influencing, persuading and demonstrating positive impact
Chair: Clare Maltby, Director, England Midlands and East, Sustrans
Active travel and demonstrating impact
Tom Cohen, Reader in Transport Policy, Active Travel Academy, University of Westminster and Emma Hanes, Associate Director, Steer Group
Why beating bikelash is part of your job now
Mark Ames, Director, Strategic Cities
How social cooperation shapes active travel
Pete Dyson, Doctoral Researcher, University of Bath
Supporting ambition: persuables, net zero pushback and Oxford's example
Zuhura Plummer, Campaign Director,
Oxfordshire Liveable Streets
Evaluation of active travel interventions
Adrian Fletcher, Head of Analysis, ActiveTravel England
Queens Building
Room 1.12
Access to cycling
Chair: Tom Holcroft, Senior Inspector, Active Travel England
How to give thousands more people the “e-bike smile”
Jenny Box, deputy director, Cycling UK
How free bikes can help to tackle, health inequalities, transport poverty and level up cycling infrastructure investment – Lessons from Birmingham, Essex, and Southall
Julian Sanchez and Karen Creavin, Active Wellbeing Society
Try Before You Bike scheme
Alper Muduroglu, Founder and CEO,
Peddle My Wheels
Creating a new community of cyclists
Karl Letten, Sustainability Manager,
De Montfort University
Empowering women through cycling
Mariam Draaijer, CEO, JoyRiders
Queens Building
Room 0.12
New thinking in active travel planning
Chair: David Clasby. Partnership Development Manager, Sustrans
Get Down to Town - a town centre travel plan
Alison Holland, Founder, Brightwayz social enterprise
University College Dublin Travel Plan
John Fahey, Operations Manager, University College Dublin and Paul Osborne, Associate, SYSTRA
Sustainable travel in education
Emily Sykes, Modeshift STARS Active Travel Ambassador Programme Manager
Leicester City Council'sTripGo journey planner
Adam Scammell, Engineer, Skedgo
A whole system approach to physical activity
Eve Holt, Strategic Director and Louise Robbins and Kelly Rogers, Strategic Leads, Greater Manchester Moving
Queens Building
Room 0.10
Public bike-sharing schemes
Chair: Andy Salkeld, Active Travel Team Leader, Leicester City Council
Removing the barriers to sustainable travel
Phil Ellis, CEO, Beryl
Tackling the Gender Pedal Gap
Alice Pleasant, Public Affairs Manager, Lime Bikes
Insights from Leicester's sharing schemes
Patrick Moore, Researcher, De Montfort University
De-risking bike schemes and accelerating growth
Tom Silk, Director, Micromobility Partners (MMP)
Public bike subscriptions schemes in the UK & France
Nick Brown, Chief Executive Officer, Velogik
The Food Village: Vijay Patel Building
Networking break
Refreshments served in the exhibition area
Queens Building
Room 1.10
Changing our thinking and behaviour
Chair: Rob Howard, Director of Public Health, Leicester City Council
The wall of beliefs
Moira Nicolson, Lead Behavioural Scientist, Cabinet Office
Using volunteers and permitted development rights to deliver active travel routes
Cllr Ros Wyke, Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets, Somerset Council
Nudging towards social inclusion
Janet Hudson, Behaviour Change Manager, Leicester City Council
Putting people at the heart of active travel
Jo Bacon, Technical Director for Social and Behavioural Science, AtkinsRéalis
Revolutionising secondary school engagement
Kelly Leat, Active Travel Officer, Transport for Greater Manchester
Queens Building
Room 1.12
Inclusivity in active travel
Chair: Greg Searle, Senior Inspector, Active Travel England
Engaging families, diverse communities, and younger / older people in active travel
James Mulholland, Active Travel Team, Transport for Greater Manchester
Designing out barriers/ LTN 120 access improvements
Kate Ball, Campaigns and Policy Officer, Wheels for Wellbeing
The Limitless Programme
Charlotte Drewett, Partnership
Development and Louise Hughes,
Community Coach, British Cycling
Breaking down barriers for women’s participation in sport
Naseem Akhtar, CEO, Sähëlï Hub
Addressing the imbalance of inclusive cycling opportunities
Leo Feilden, Consultant, Frontier Economics
Queens Building
Room 0.12
Data and toolkits
Chair: Jenny Wiles, Head of Behaviour Change Programmes, Active Travel England
Active travel demand tool: identifying baseline and forecast active travel demand across the Nestrans region
Neil Rose, Associate Director Jacobs
uMove: transforming active travel with Integrated data solutions
Iona Chandler, Partnerships Manager, UrbanTide
Improving London’s junctions
Daniel Hills, Data Scientist & Volunteer, London Cycling Campaign
Application of big data on the safety of active travel
Vivian Robert Ronald, Technical Director, Arcadis
Using historical data to refurbish a 1930s cycle track: Melton Road, Leicester
Carlton Reid, historian and journalist
Queens Building
Room 0.10
Everyday walking
Chair: Alistair Crisp, Network Development Manager, West Midlands, Sustrans
A focus on pedestrians
Brian Deegan, Director of Inspections, Active Travel England
How walking can support public health, the environment and economy
Julia Crear, Head of Projects and Technical Services, Living Streets
Putting walking (and wheeling) first in the City of London
Bruce McVean, Assistant Director, City Operations Division, City of London Corporation
The Walk Leicester Programme
Sally Slade, Active Travel Team Leader, Leicester City Council
Lessons learnt from Scotland's footway parking ban
Kristen Layne, Principal Transport Planner, WSP in the UK
The Food Village: Vijay Patel Building
Networking break
Refreshments served in the exhibition area
The Food Village: Vijay Patel Building
Networking reception
Selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks served in the exhibition area
18:15 Outside Food Village
Bike Parade
Bike Parade – All Welcome
A one-hour cycling tour of St Martin’s Square (the home of independent Leicester)
Delegate/Exhibitor badge required.
E-bikes and Bromptons are available to loan – booking essential.
Bookings taken at Visit Leicester exhibition table (outside Food Village).
Bookings available from 9.30am – 5pm – Tuesday 16th July.
Loan bike registration and collection process open from 5.30pm. A short administration process to be completed.
Bikes collected from plaza outside Food Village and returned to temporary Bike Park in St Martins at the end of the ride.
Rides Depart from 18:30.
Day 1 close
17 July 2024 Conference Programme
Please note that the conference programme is currently under development and subject to change. Please contact Juliana O'Rourke if you'd like to be part of the agenda.
The Food Village: Vijay Patel Building
Registration opens
Delegate networking with refreshments served in the exhibition area
Vijay Patel Building 4.05
Morning plenary: how public authorities can support a just transition to a cleaner, healthier, net zero society
Chair: Dame Stella Manzie DBE
Welcome from Sir Peter Soulsby, City Mayor, Leicester City Council (pre-recorded presentation)
Sarah Horrocks, Head of Air Quality & Emissions, AtkinsRealis & Chair, Air Quality Taskforce, Environmental Industries Commission (EIC)
Roger Geffen, Campaigner, Low Traffic Future
Becca Massey-Chase, Co-Head of Participative Research and Principal Research Fellow Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)
Somayya Yaqub, Environmental Protection panellist, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH)
The Food Village: Vijay Patel Building
Morning break
Delegate networking with refreshments served in the exhibition area
Queens Building
Room 1.10
Wider network planning
Chair: Brian Deegan, Director of Inspections, Active Travel England
Joining up the worlds of highway maintenance and active travel
Rupert Furness, Deputy Director, Local Highways and Active Travel Division, Department for Transport
A Regional Active Travel Strategy & Action Plan (RATSAP) for the south-east region
Katie Lamb, Lead Transport Planner, Transport for the South East and Grace Solsby, City Science
The experiences of riders, walkers and wheelers travelling on the Strategic Road Network (SRN)
Toby Cotton, Senior Insight Advisor, Transport Focus; Emma Salter, Associate, SYSTRA & Efrosyni Theocharous, Consultant, SYSTRA
Bridging the gap to an active and net zero mobility future
Leigh Stolworthy, Director, Transport Planning, Stantec
Repurposing rail alignments for local active travel journeys
Shane Snow, HS2 Programme Benefits Sponsor, Department for Transport
Queens Building
Room 1.12
Safe active travel
Chair: John-Paul Doherty, Transport Safety Technical Director, AtkinsRéalis
Boosting safe rural cycling
Josh Grantham, Infrastructure campaigner, and Anna Williams
Head of Campaigns & Engagement, Camcycle
Pedalling with confidence: Insights from parents and children perception of cycling safety
Emily Cherry, Chief Executive, Bikeability Trust and Benjamin Smith, Director of Development, Bikeability Trust
Stevenage case study – Dutch quality infrastructure; English levels of cycling
Rory McMullan, Head of Road Safety and Active Travel, Hertfordshire County Council
Trialling cyclist detection to support improved crossings for visually impaired people in the Republic of Ireland
Tom Komar, Technical Director, Streets Systems and Joe Seymour, Head of Active Travel Investment, National Transport Authority, Ireland
Getting home safely 2024: Developing inclusive public realm through an evidence-led understanding of the factors influencing personal safety
Kelly Cary, Associate Director, Transport Planning, AtkinsRéalis
Queens Building
Room 0.12
Active infrastructure
Grant Butterworth, Head of Planning, Leicester City Council
Active Design Guide for planners, urban designers and developers
Lisa Dodd-Mayne, Executive Director of Place, Sport England
Rushden to Wellingborough Greenway
Lucy Hawes, Project Officer, North Northamptonshire Council
Developing a network of green Mobility Hubs: lessons learnt from Somers Town Acacia Hasler, Principal Transport Planner, London Borough of Camden, and Georgie Wells, Principal Consultant AECOM
Derwent Valley Heritage Way Cycleway & Paddle Trail
Derek Latham, Chair, Derwent Valley Trust
Kerbside strategy and active travel – first year of delivery
Tash Hartke, Kerbside Strategy Programme Manager, London
Borough of Lambeth
Queens Building
Room 0.10
Creating an active economy
Chair: Vicki Franks, Policy Officer Active Travel, West Yorkshire Combined Authority
How cycling boots the local economy
Ian Beasant, Managing Director, Giant Bikes
UK cycle industry market data and cycling's economic value
Tom Payton Associate, Bicycle Association of Great Britain
National Trust: unlocking the potential of active travel
Zsolt Schuller, Cyclists Welcome Project Manager, National Trust
The Heart of Leicester plan
Andrew Smith, Director of Planning, Transportation and Economic Development, Leicester City Council
The Food Village: Vijay Patel Building
Networking lunch
Delegate networking with lunch served in the exhibition area
Queens Building
Room 1.10
Planning for active travel
Chair and introduction:
Graham Grant, Director of Planning and Development, Active Travel England
Embedding active travel in housing and development projects
Miles Price, Planning Director, British Land
Andrew Whitaker, Planning Director, Homebuilders Federation
Amy Burbidge, Head of Design, Homes England
Harriet Fisher, Learning and Development Manager, Public Practice
Queens Building
Room 1.12
Growing active travel
Chair: Amber Kenyon, Principal Transport Planner, AtkinsRéalis
Delivering bike buses – why bike buses are a vital tool to increase cycling to school, and how to support them in your local authority
Hamish Belding, Project Coordinator, FRideDays Bike Bus
National impact of quality inclusive cycling hubs in the community setting
Ian Tierney, CEO, Wheels For All
Using smartphone apps to encourage active travel
Anthony Lau, Founder and Design Director, Cyclehoop
Leveraging data to grow active travel: insights from Dublin’s progressive approach
Richard Pearce, COO, See.Sense
Community data to measure engagement
Thomas Knights, Director, Strava Metro
Queens Building
Room 0.12
Collaborative design
Chair: James Rees, Midlands Active Travel Lead, AtkinsRéalis
Transport projects: the human relationships
Councillor Mike Hakata, Deputy Leader of Haringey Council and Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Environment, and Transport & Paul Murray, Active Travel Lead, Ridge and Partners
Engaging with hard to convince groups
Oli Davey, Co-Founder + Head of Street Design Engineering, Urban Movement
Community and council collaboration: the Colchester City Council model
Jane Thompson and Emily Harrup, Joint Leads for Transport and Sustainability, Colchester City Council
Communicating the positives of road charging / active travel
Sarah Hughes, Campaign Officer, Cambridgeshire Sustainable Travel Alliance
Transforming Leamington Spa together
David Lucas, Principal Consultant, AtkinsRéalis & and Dan Morris, Principal Transport Planner, Warwickshire County Council
Queens Building
Room 0.10
Creating active neighbourhoods
Chair: Sophie Edmondson, Principal Inspector, Active Travel England
Rebuilding neighbourhoods of people and places
David Milner, Managing Director, Create Streets
Placemaking & public realm design that support outdoor activities for youth
TaraNursalim-Paul, Royal, Urban Design & Active Travel Consultant, Royal Town Planning Institute
Lessons learnt from engaging with communities in planning and co-designing Liveable Neighbourhoods
Rachel Hiorns, Associate Director, AtkinsRéalis & and Andrew Hewitson, Levelling Up Fund Engagement and Technical Co-ordinator, Lancashire County Council
Connecting Communities: Leicester's LCWIP
Dan Pearman, City Transport Director, Leicester City Council
Accelerating active travel delivery in Ireland
Joe Seymour, Head of Active Travel Investment, National Transport Authority, Ireland
The Food Village: Vijay Patel Building
Afternoon break
Delegate networking with refreshments served in the exhibition area
Vijay Patel Building 4.05
Closing plenary: health and active travel
Chair: Alison Greenhill, Chief Operating Officer, Leicester City Council
Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England & the UK government’s Chief Medical Adviser
Paul Chandler, Deputy Director – Transport, NHS England
Professor Scarlett McNally, Surgeon, President, Medical Women’s Federation, UK and Deputy Director, Centre for Perioperative Care
Day 2 close

Active City Leicester 16-17 July 2024
De Montfort University, Leicester